Time for another clothing budget update since my last one was back in August...summer clothing budget. I've definitely picked up quite a few staples over the past few months. Also added a few more pieces of outdoor gear to my wardrobe with purchases for recent trips to Alaska and Iceland.
athleta excursion tight Original $79I really really really need to write a proper review for these tights because I recently purchased them in black, which means I now own them in every single color that they make. Perfect for everything from target runs to workouts to traveling to hiking. These are without a doubt the most worn item in my closet-after my scrubs of course.
Patagonia Sweater Original $139
Originally purchased this for our Alaska trip, but probably have been wearing this fleece 4-5 times a week. Easily one of the best purchases of the year.

Lululemon Tight Original $88
oh just a little reward for losing more weight
1822 Denim Raw Crop Jeans Original $42
I've lost so much weight since last year that most of my jeans don't fit. Picked these up and am loving how versatile they are.
Raw Hem Denim Shorts Original $39
I rarely purchase shorts (I own maybe 3 pairs), but I found these to be so flattering and classic without being too short.

j crew wild life conservation tee Original $45
Not that I needed another striped tee (pictured above), but fell in love with the quality and texture and whale print of this one rolled into. It screams classic new england style to me. And it doesn't hurt that some of the proceeds fund a good cause.
North Face Caysen Parka Original $278 on sale for $130
I just bought a new coat back in April, but was looking for something with a furry hood that sinches around the waist. As far as big puffy coats go, this one is pretty flattering and kept me plenty warm even while galloping on Icelandic ponies in the snow.
Absolutely adore these 100% wool merino leggings aka long johns that are so thin they fit beneath everything. Wore them every single day of our Autumn Road Trip camping and hiking through the Great Smoky Mountains. And I probably would have had hypothermia in Iceland (I kid you not) without these. Looking forward to wearing these with dresses all winter long.
Patagonia torrenshell rain pants Original $99 with 20% off $79
waterproof and windbreaking-based on how much hiking I do, I should have bought these years ago.
scalloped swimsuit Original $118 on Sale for $40- $22 gift card $18
I'm obsessed with scalloping so I have been stalking this swimsuit since summer. J Crew makes the most beautiful things, but they are pricey too. It's finally on sale and I couldn't resist picking it up for geothermal pool soaks in Iceland. Perfect contrast to that bright blue don't ya think?
total $725
Wow! I'm trying to remind myself that I've switched to quarterly budgets compared to monthly budgets so these purchases add up over the course of months. And many of the items I've purchased like the wool leggings, coat, and fleece are high end staples that I will have for years. Still, it's hard to swallow such a big price tag. But when I think back to a few years ago, when I first started blogging and recording my clothing budgets, I was easily spending more buying and constantly replacing cheap trendy items that didn't last long. And I can honestly say that I am 100% in love with the style and function of each of the items I've purchased. And even better, I should still be well under budget for the year.
Budget for the Year: $1800
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