Thursday, April 2, 2020

march 2020

It's taken some time to completely wrap my head around the month of March because things changed so quickly. 
The month started with increasing my work hours and transitioning into a different role. Then we headed to the Middle East to spend a week in Jordan...riding camels, floating in the Dead Sea, exploring ancient ruins, and hiking though Petra-a wonder of the world. Shortly after we returned home to the states, everything changed with the Covid-19 Pandemic hitting hard. The new role I was preparing to transition into with work suddenly disappeared and my increased hours dropped drastically. Like everyone, we found ourselves suddenly shut-in quarantining...trying to navigate how our jobs and lifestyle would look in the face of this new challenge. 
Still, I feel especially grateful for the lessons that we were able to take away from this crazy month. In March, I learned to practice gratitude, to never take even the simplest things for granted, and to become more flexible with this ever changing world. I think that we can all say that March 2020 was a unique month that the world will forever remember. 

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