Monday, January 28, 2019


I've been having a hard time saying goodbye to 2018. With each new year, I put on the pressure to make this one better than the next. But I don't see how I could possibly top 2018! I hiked and camped and baked and biked. I visited exotic places like Morocco and Cuba. I volunteered and helped improve so many lives. And I made leaps and bounds in my career field. Through the horrible moments and some of the best days of my life, I don't want to let 2018 go. 
So I'm sharing a summary of the year to have to look back on. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Is Morrocco Safe?

It took us a little over 24 hours to travel to Morocco. And during the majority of that time, our phones were off the grid. But as soon as we landed and settled in, I connected my phone only to be flooded with panicky and terrified messages from loved ones asking if we were alright. 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

december 2018//

december lived up to every expectation and more to be the busiest month of the year. we crossed continents, celebrated the holidays with family, and I traveled all through and across the state during my away rotation. 

Monday, January 14, 2019

a long layover in Lisbon

With traveling to Morocco in Africa, we had to take several flights from the states. On the way home, we were passing though Lisbon Portugal-a place that has always been on the top of my bucket list because who could resist this colorful city? So I decided to have us stop here on a long layover. 
Not only did stopping in Lisbon give us a chance to experience a new country together, it also broke things up so that we didn't have a crazy 24hour+ travel day. It was an easy decision and the best choice to make. Here's what we did with one day in Lisbon...
Like most major cities, Lisbon is broken down in several major neighbors. We split our day between the most picturesque of them all...Amalfa, the Barrio Alto, and our unexpected favorite...Belem.
We started our morning in Belem, stopping into Pasteis de Belem to pick up the classic pasties de nata that Lisbon in famous for. We also grabbed some Starbucks and just had the most relaxing morning stroll through the park eating our pastries and sipping on lattes. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

friday favorites: 01.11.19 dental edition

Did you ever have a really good work week? Like a great perfect wonderful week. Yea, me either. But this one was pretty darn close. I've been feeling so overwhelmed with life lately so I needed this.
 Being 4 hours away from home makes it pretty difficult to organize my life and my time right now. And checking off all the boxes to get all the things done before graduation in May is terrifying. I can't even. While I've been behind on my favorite hobby, who am I kidding, my only hobby of blogging, I'm making some time to share this incredible week I've had. I still have lots to share from December + the holidays + life, oh and that time we went to Morocco. But for now, here are my favorites from the week. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

a day in the life of a dental student: 1st rotation

I am settled right on into my second set of dental rotations, but tomorrow I'm headed back to my first rotation clinic to finish up a case. So can I just talk about my very 1st dental rotation for a minute? Because it was an amazing milestone in this crazy process that is dental school? 

Friday, January 4, 2019

friday favorites 01.04.19

Happy first Friday of the New Year! This week alone has already shown me what I'm in store for in 2019. Here are some major highlights...

Thursday, January 3, 2019

a NEW year & the LAST term of dental school

happy new year!
 I've had an exhausting 2019 already. We made it back from our trip through Europe & Africa just in time to ring in 2019.