When we pulled into Palm Springs, I knew that our first stop had to be this hidden gem of a botanical garden, featuring only cacti.
We went first thing in the morning so we pretty much had this place all to ourselves. It felt so dreamy and relaxing to wander through the garden with flowering cacti underfoot and dozens of hummingbirds flying above our heads. This really was perfection.
Since this visit was towards the start of our week out west, it was the best opportunity to learn about the cacti that we would be seeing all week long while hiking. We also learned how to pronounce all of the cacti, because only the locals are saying them right. Here's a few common ones that most people pronounce wrong:
saguaro = sah-wa roh
cholla = choy-uh
Agave = uh-gah-vee
flowering cacti starting to bloom
purple prickly pear...say that 5X fast
I have to thank Husband for his patience because he managed to capture some great shots of the hummingbirds.
so much variety at the cacatararium
I couldn't get over it
The greenhouse that held the most unique cacti of all was definitely a favorite!
Another fav were these rounded golden barrel cacti that are endangered. I even picked up a baby one to take home---thankfully, it made it through TSA.
If you can't tell, I loved loved loved the cactarium. It was just so beautiful and green all throughout. With having a degree in biology, I've taken lots of classes in botany and horticulture over the years and loved having a chance to learn about so many unique species all in one place.
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