Wednesday, May 27, 2020

friday favorites 05.29.20

Happy Friday Indeed! 
This is one of the first weeks that has felt "normal" in a long time with getting back to a regular routine. 

In case you missed it, we had an unexpected surprise move. It was bittersweet leaving our loft, and we 100% miss being downtown on the waterfront. But we really had no choice. Thankfully, we are settling into our new rental house and love the suburbs more than I would have thought-house tour coming soon. By the way, I definitely would not recommend moving during a pandemic. 

Speaking of moving, it was quite the expense. So, I thought that it would make for a good installment of my money diaries series. See exactly what we spent during the week of our big move here. Spoiler alert-it was a lot. 

I think part of why this week felt so normal is because I'm back to working my regular schedule and that feels routine. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wearing a crazy unusual amount of PPE (personal protective equipment) at work and taking extra precautions. But during the active pandemic phase, I only worked part-time and saw patients on an emergency basis only, which really limited what I could do. Mostly, I was just pulling out teeth and doing emergency root canals. 
Now, I am back to my full array of procedures. And that's really what I love most about being a general dentist-I love having the ability to do so many different types of procedures. It keeps things interesting. Working during the pandemic was a privilege to still be about to help people, but it was also limiting and kind of boring. 

Everyone loves a good long weekend right? During social distancing, kayaking has become our go-to in order to safely get fresh air. And we spent Memorial Day kayaking between state lines at our new favorite place

Happy Friday Friends! 

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