Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Driving California

We had to lose an entire day of our trip driving, which I really was not looking forward too. Spending 5+ hours in the car is not my idea of a good time. Yet, the drive turned out to be a definite highlight for me and here's why...

We started out on the coast and found an elephant seal habitat overlook. Literally, this was just off the side of the highway. 

The mommies and their babies were laid out on the beach sunning themselves while the males battled over territory. It was quite a show.  

Then all of the sudden the coast changed into plains. Well maybe it wasn't that sudden as I may have dosed off for a bit of the drive. Seriously, don't ever take me on a road trip if you want a good companion because I can't keep my eyes open.  

When I finally woke up, it felt like we were in a whole different place but hubby assured me that we were still in California. 

And finally, it turned into mountains as we reached our destination (more tomorrow). How beautiful is the state? Whether you prefer the beach or the mountains, it has it all. I love California and all its beauty. 

I can't wait to venture back some day. 

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