Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Love & Travel

With love day right around the corner, I've been thinking a lot lately about all the reasons I love to travel with my husband. But more than that is how traveling together has improved our marriage and helped our communication. The skills we've picked up while traveling together have truly translated into our everyday lives. So in honor of Valentine's Day, here are just a few reasons to travel with your love

a Stronger Connection 
When you travel, you shed the responsibilities of your day to day. There aren't any more distractions and the focus becomes about spending time together. You will have the opportunity to have real discussions and become closer. When we travel together is when I feel closest to my husband. 

Learn to Work Together 
We're pretty active travelers so it's rare to find us simply lounging around during a vacation, we're always up and off to do something. This means that coordinating the day always requires a lot of team work. Through traveling, we've learned how to work together. Because if we can figure out how to navigate the subway in Chicago or work together to not completely panic when we get lost during an 18 mile hike in California (with no water)…then we can figure out how to work together on just about anything. Especially when things don't go well (and that's a big part of travel), learning to work together and not blame each other, goes a long way. 

Teaches you how to Argue 
This one probably sounds crazy, but it's true and so helpful. No one is perfect and arguments will happen, especially when you're a few days into a long trip. You're starting to feel tired and miss your routine. And being together 24/7 will inevitably lead to some bickering or even a full blown argument. When you're at home, you have a chance to take time and disengage. But when you're traveling, the day depends on getting along and you have to learn to work things out right then and there. 

Lifetime Memories 
This is reason enough to travel together, especially for us because we are in a long distance relationship. We miss out on the daily interactions together, so when we do get to see each other, it's worth making it memorable. Tom and I have started celebrating special occasions through travel with special trips to celebrate things like anniversaries and holidays. Our next trip together is focused all around Valentine's Day and I cannot wait to create more incredible memories together. 

I'm a big advocate of traveling solo with your significant other. And the relationship experts agree that it is one of the best ways for couples to connect.  So if it's been a while since you've taken a trip with your better half, now is the time reconnect and improve your relationship. 

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